Mr. Rob Moilan of Cork |
Mr. Eric Jouen |
There was some good action in both the Salmon and Sea Trout Department, in the Salmon department Mr. Rob Moilan of Cork caught a fine 5 ¾ lbs Salmon on the troll and caught 2 juniors of which one was caught on the fly,fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O'Shea and @
tomsfishing@eircom.net also in good form was Mr. Eric Jouen of Waterville and @
watervilleboats@gmail.com who caught a Grilse on the troll, and staying with Waterville Boats one of Michael’s hired out boats caught a fine 2lbs Sea trout on the drift, now to the hired out boat department of
www.oshealoughcurrane.com Mr. Neil O’Shea reported to me that Mr Ken Furey caught 7 Juniors. And in the C&R Sea Trout department Mr. John Houilhan caught 2 Sea Trout one in the 3lbs class and finished the evening off with a 1.5lbs Sea Trout. Now to all you anglers when talking on the Lake beware, Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan was holding the boat for his client and he heard a angler say why in the hell dose that man hold the boat all day, be it calm or rough, simple the other angler replied, he’s to tight to by petrol, for more info go to
www.vincentsfishing.com Wind WSW fresh to strong and overcast.
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