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Sunday, April 22, 2012


Mr.Sylvester Donnelly and Mr. Axel Zurbugge 

Mr.Paul McGovern
Straight to the action on Lough Currane, First in the striking zone, is Mr. Axel Zurbugge of Germany, fishing out of caught a fine 6lbs Salmon on the troll on the south side of the lake, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Sylvester Donnelly now we cut across to the north side of the Lake where Mr Paul McGovern of Cork caught a fine 8lbs Salmon on the troll fishing with good friend and a regular Angler to the Waterville Fishery, Mr. John Curnow of Kinsale Co Cork, John was also was telling me that when Paul was playing the Salmon the reel broke so John had to cut the line and tie it to the other trolling rod and just for the record they also lost 2 more Salmon, now to the fly department Mr. Tim Van der Laan of Holland caught a 11lbs Salmon in the Mouth of the Commeragh fishing with his Gillie Mr. Terence Wharton. In the Seatrout department, Mr. Liam Ellis of Waterville caught a fine 3.5lbs Seatrout on the drift off the south side of Church Island. Wind NW light too fresh and veered SW this evening with rain coming into night.  
Mr. Tmm Van Der Laan and Mr. Terence Wharton

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