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Friday, May 11, 2018


10/5/18 Great news on the Specimen Sea Trout department and we will let the captor have his say on this great Sea trout!  The 'man with the hat  strikes again, catch and release department!!!. Lovely fresh specimen sea trout in the 9 lbs class. No pictures unfortunately as by myself and had to get fish back in water quickly and with minimum distress. All I can say is congratulations Mr. Jerry O'Sullivan.Now we head for the Salmon department, Mr. Michael Roden , while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Junior Scully, caught a cracking 12 lbs. Salmon on the troll. Now to the fly department UK and Waterville angler Mr. Ken Towner caught a fine 8lb salmon on the fly today, while  fishing with his gillie Mr. Vincent O'Sullivan. This fine fish gave Ken one almighty good rise and took him right  down to the backing on its first run and Vincent O'Sullivan had the last say with the net. Wind strong SW good cloud cover. Yesterday's weather,  amount of rainfall 8.8 mm. Maximum air temperature 12.2c.
Ken and Vincent 

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