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Saturday, August 15, 2020


                                                               Inny Bridge this morning 

15/8/20 Well in yesterday’s notes I said the Inny catch and release anglers did not get their flood, well they did not have to wait long because last night and early this morning the heavens opened and thunder and lightning struck the Inny and went into a raging flood, I can tell you come this lunchtime the Inny catch release Anglers were in full swing or put it this way they dam well ought to be because going by the Inny detective agency, this is the best season for a good many years, I can say without any fear of contradiction the Porkies have been caught and released without charge. Now we head for Lough Currane, all quiet on all fronts, you do not have to be a mathematician to work out the angler’s common denominator! Wind West Southwest light to calm and overcast and very humid at 96%. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 20.9 centigrade.                 


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