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Tuesday, April 9, 2024



9/4/2024. The Currane anglers were all quiet in all departments this day. Now we head for the Currane anglers view on The Mad Fisherman and for good reason, David, a fellow Currane angler reply’s to last night’s point of view by Pat. The stage is yours David.

Well said Pat, Waterville has lost its way a little bit, first it was the Inny river then the Commeragh river and now the upper lakes, they seem to be pricing the anglers out of the place the money they charge-to fish these places unless Ur a member is disgusting and now you’re not allowed to camp by the lake , I ask myself do they want these places all to themselves, something not right  here, last year we were told no worming on rivers but every time I passed inny and Commeragh they were being wormed, what the hell is going on. Save our seatrout and worms allowed disgusting, and what Paul said yesterday was 110% right, poaching is out of hand in Waterville, and nothing being done.


Now to the weather, Wind light to fresh NW, WNW, W followed by reasonable cloud cover, Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.8mm., amount of sunshine 0.4, maximum air temperature 9.4c.  



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