Where do I begin, I will tell you where, Lough Currane and the trolling department, it was A Father and Son combination of Mr. Ted and Nigel Robertson, that caught 7 juniors with there Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly, now we have a mixture of fly and troll, Mr. Colin James and Mr. Jim Young, caught two Sea Trout on the fly and 7 Sea Trout on the troll, ranging from the junior class up to 2lbs with their Gillie Mr. Mike O’Dwyer. Now we head up stream to the Commeragh River where it was like Times Square in all departments and for good reason, there was one almighty flood coming down the Commeragh, but that didn’t deter My Noble anglers from catching my Noble Fish, first in the striking zone, Mr. Terence Wharton Jnr caught 3 Sea Trout all in the 2lbs class and lost a fine Salmon, staying with the Commeragh, and catch of the Day goes to Mr. Chris Blackham of Cork, because he caught a fine 9lbs 12ozs Sea Trout on the Black Birds Fancy, and was officially was weighed at the Waterville Angling Centre, after having his sea trout weighed in, Chris headed back to the Commeragh and caught a 7lbs salmon. Wind SW fresh, with reasonable cloud cover, and just for the record Lough Currane was on the dirty side after the big flood.
There was 37.6mm of rainfall yesterday, and the total rainfall for the month of June was 83.9mm
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