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Saturday, June 30, 2012

30/6/12 Update

Mr. Michael Rieger would beg To Differ and for good reason he caught a fine 6lbs Grilse on the troll with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly and of 

It was a blustery day with a NW wind then veered W in afternoon and overcast with the odd shower and cold and I can tell you my Noble Salmon were not a taking mood, or you could say my Noble Angler failed Miserably in their duties, in the Sea Trout department just the odd Junior caught, now to the River Inny, Mr. Junior Scully reported to me that he and his client contacted 3 Salmon and lost the lot, but at least the saw action.                        

Friday, June 29, 2012

29/6/12 Update 30/6/12

River Inny, Mr. Michael Roden caught a cracker of a Salmon in the 10 lbs class and his Gillie the one and only the maestro himself Mr. Junior Scully finished their day off nicely with a Salmon in the 6lbs class and as you can see these facts should of bean put up yesterday yes you have it I forgot to cut across the valley, and I can tell you Junior wasn’t amused and quite rightly so to, Sorry for that Junior,  now we cut across back to Lough Currane and the Sea Trout department, the Prince fishing with his Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan and of caught a fine Sea Trout in the 4lbs class on the fly.                        

Mr. Michael Wright and Mr. Neil O'Shea

Straight to catch of the day and that goes to Mr. Michael Wright of the UK fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of caught two fine Salmon/Grilse on the troll, ranging from 5lbs up to 6lbs, now the Martin Heinz fishing party and fishing out of Mr. Martin Heinz caught a fine 3lbs Sea Trout on the fly, fishing in Frank’s hired out boat department, and his good friend Malcolm, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly and of caught a fine 5lbs Salmon/Grilse and they finished their day off with a sea trout, all caught on the fly, now to the C&R of the day and that goes to Mr. Mark Doorman of Cork, who caught a fine 8lbs Sea Trout on the fly and after a good fight, Mark sportingly put back my Noble Sea Trout back to fight another day, and as always Mark was fishing with his Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley, Wind W light too fresh and overcast.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mr. Michael Rieger
Mr. Peter Glover
Mr. Michael Rieger of Germany  caught a fine 7lbs Salmon on the troll fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly and of now to the Salmon fly department, Mr. Peter Glover of Perth Scotland, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught a fine 6lbs Grilse on the fly, now to the Sea trout department, Mr. Michael Wright fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of  caught 1 Sea Trout on the troll, and his Brother Mr. Tom O’Shea and @  caught 1 Junior with his client, and staying with the Sea Trout it was reported to me that Local Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley caught 3 Sea trout / Juniors With his Client.          

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mr. Peter Glover of Perth Scotland
In the Salmon department Mr. Peter Glover of Perth Scotland, takes all the head lines, Peter, caught a lightening fresh 6lbs Grilse on the fly, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of in the Sea Trout department Mr. Michael Wright fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of caught one Sea Trout which he sportingly put back, wind all over the place but SE this evening light and overcast.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mr. Peter Glover Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy

Straight to catch of the day and goes to Mr Peter Glover of Perth Scotland, who caught 3 Salmon/Grilse on the fly, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of on the Sea Trout front nothing that would hit the headlines, wind SW fresh and overcast light misty rain throughout the day.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Mr. Ian McMullan with his catch of the day.
 Straight to the Salmon department, Mr. Ian McMullan of  Co Wicklow, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of caught 2 fine Salmon/Grilse on the troll, ranging from 5lbs up to 6lbs, and in the Sea Trout department Mr. Jim Sayers of Waterville caught 2 Sea Trout in the 2lbs class and one he put back. Wind S fresh and overcast.  

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Mr. Michael O'Sullivan and Mr. Ernie Smyth 
There was good action in the trolling department and where do start at the beginning, on the early shift Mr. Dan Sugrue of Waterville, caught 3 Salmon all in in the 8 to 9lbs class, as always Dan was fishing with his Gillie Mr. Brod O’Sullivan of Stella Maris Waterville, also in good form was Mr. Donal O’Shea and of who caught a fine 6lbs grilse on the troll, now we cut across to the south side, Mr Peter Keenan caught a 6lbs Grilse on the troll fishing in a hired out boat from Mr. Sylvester Donnelly, Now for my fish of the day and that goes to Mr. Ernie Smyth, who left Co Tyrone at 3.45am this morning and by 3.45pm this afternoon caught himself a fine 6lbs Grilse on the troll fishing with his Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and @ Now To the C&R Sea Trout Department, Mr. Keith Francis of  the UK caught 3 Sea Trout ranging from Juniors up to 2lbs, fishing with his gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and @  staying with the Sea Trout, Mr. Paddy Barrette, fishing with his Gillie Mr Bob Priestley caught 2 Sea trout, ranging from Junior Class up to 3lbs.    

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Mr. Keith Francis  of Northampton of the UK 

Mr. Jonathan Fish of the UK fishing with his Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan and of   caught a fine Grilse in the 5lbs class and 1 Sea trout in the 2lbs class, which they sportingly put all back, Mr. Keith Francis  of Northampton of the UK fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and @  caught 2 fine Sea Trout ranging from 2.5lbs up to 4lbs and in in their C&R department Keith released a fine Sea trout in the 5lbs class, now we cut across to the south side and the hired out boat department of Mr. Barry Vaughn, caught a 5.5lbs Sea Trout on the fly and I believe the this fly is some fly of distinction, the reason I say this, it was especially made for Barry by a good friend, as he has caught a good few Game Fish on this fly his good friend as requested to have the fly returned back to him, if Barry dose return this Noble Fly all I can say is Captain Mainwaring to that if you get my drift. And just for the record Barry was fishing with his good friend Mr. Phil Hawker, and in the losing department. Mr. John Lennon , lost a cracker of a Sea trout and finished off his day by loosing a fine salmon, talk about bad luck but that’s fishing. Wind was all over the place and eventually went south and overcast with light for most  of the day.                      

Friday, June 22, 2012


on the Salmon front, a guest fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught a Grilse of just 2lbs which they sportingly put back and they finished day off with a Sea Trout of 3lbs on the fly and staying with the Sea Trout just the odd Junior caught. Wind NW fresh to strong then veered WSW and veered S this evening fresh with reasonable cloud cover.            

Thursday, June 21, 2012


All the head lines go to the hired out boat department of Mr. David Vaughn and Mr. Leon Smith caught 2 Sea Trout in the 3lbs class and the y also saw a good few Juniors which is good news and staying Franks Hired out boat department Mr. Bill Bullock caught a fine 2lbs Sea Trout and finished his day off with a 4lbs Sea Trout, wind all over the place and overcast.  There is a update on yesterdays facts read on        

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



There was some great action on Lough Currane, I will start with catch of day in the fly department, and that goes to Mr. Jonathan Fish of the UK who caught 4 Salmon and for Sea Trout, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of and just for the record the put the Sea Trout back. Now to the trolling department and C&R of the day and that goes to Mr. Jonathan O’Brien and his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of they sportingly but back a 11lbs Salmon and Neil also telling me that Dr. Jim Comerford caught a Salmon on the troll, now we cut across to the south side of the lake Dr. Tom O’Callaghan caught a fine 6lbs Salmon on the troll, now to the hired out boat department of Mr. Phil Cronin and his good friend Donal caught a 5lbs Grilse and a fine Sea Trout of 2lbs on the flystaying in the Sea fly department Mr. John Allen and Mr. Jim Sayers of Waterville had a good session, with 2 Sea Trout in the 1.5lbs and a fine Sea Trout of 4lbs which the sportingly put back, and Jim was unlucky he also lost a fine Salmon, John also reported that they rose a good few fish.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

19/6/12 Update

Franks hired out boat and fly department, Mr. León Smith caught a fine 2lbs Sea trout and finished his day off with a Sea Trout in the 3lbs class and staying in the hired out boat department of Mr. Phil Cronin and his good friend Donal, caught two fine Sea Trout, ranging from 2.5lbs up to 3.5lbs and last but not least Mr. Bill Bullock caught a 2llbs Sea Trout
Mr. Frank Donnelly and Mr. Tom Dunn

Mr. Jonathan Fish of the UK was in good form with the fly, he caught 2 Sea Trout, ranging from 1.5lbs up to 2.5lbs fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of now for catch of the day and tat goes too Mr. Tom Dunn of Islay Scotland, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of  caught 3 Sea Trout weighing in at 2.5lbs,3.5lbs and 4.5lbs and finished his day off with a fine 4.5 Grilse and all caught on the fly, now to the evening shift, The Prince fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught a fine Salmon on the fly, off the point of Grassy Island this evening.    

Monday, June 18, 2012

Straight to the Sea Trout department, Mr. Jonathan Fish of the UK, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan and of  caught a fine 5lbs Sea Trout on the fly in the Mouth of the Commeragh but lass their fishing came to a swift end, because there was a good flood this morning and in the words of Mr. Jonathan Smith, the Commeragh went brown, need he say more. In the hired out boat department of Mr. Neil O’Neil caught 5 Trout on the fly, all in the 1lbs class. Wind SE then veered S light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Local Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley, caught a fine 9lbs Salmon on the troll, now we cut across the lake to the south side and to the Sea Trout department, where there was a fine 2.5lbd Salmon caught on the troll by an angler fishing on his own, in general  my Noble Sea Trout were very lethargic, or in my book my Noble Sea Trout Angler Failed Miserably in his or her Duties                                      

Saturday, June 16, 2012


12 Straight to the Sea Trout fly department, Mr. Niall O’Neill, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of  caught a fine 2.5lbs Sea Trout and staying with the Sea Trout there were a few caught on the drift but nothing that would hit the head lines and in the words of one Sea Trout angler please don’t put my name to my catch, but too be fair its very cold out there, wind NW then veered N this afternoon and overcast.                                      

Friday, June 15, 2012


Renowned Angler Mr. Patsy Quilligan

Straight to catch and release of the day and that Goes  Mr. Mark Doorman fishing with his Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley, who sportingly put a 9lbs Sea Trout back too fight another day, staying in the Sea Trout department renowned Cork Angler, Mr. Patsy Quilligan caught a fine 4.5lbs Sea Trout on the fly, also in good form in the fly department, was Mr. Chris Mcquinn, with 3 Sea Trout up to 3lbs, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of In the hired out boat department of Mr. Brian O’Connell caught a fine 2lbs Sea Trout on the drift. Wind all over the place and overcast with light and heavy rain at times.                                  

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Straight too the famous Butler Pool and of  Where German Angler, Mr. Goern Barteil of Hamburg Germany caught a fine 5lbs Salmon on the fly, while his good friend Mr. O’Donoghue watched the maestro, their Gillie Mr. Junior Scully,  have one swipe of the net and the rest is history, Junior was also telling that they also saw a good few fish in the Pool, now we head upstream to the Mouth of the Commeragh a client, fly fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of  caught a 2 or 3 Sea Trout up to 2lbs. Wind SE strong and wild.                          

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Mr. Dave Ecclestone of the UK with  his 9lbs 2 ozs Sea Trout

Straight to the specimen Sea Trout department, Mr. Dave Ecclestone of the UK caught a fantastic 9lbs2ozs Sea Trout on the fly out at the Sisters on a Black Pennel and I can tell you the pints were flowing in the Lobster this evening, now we head back out to action on Lough Currane, also in good form in the Sea Trout department was Mr. Tom Jones fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly and of who caught 2 Sea Trout ranging from 2lbs up to 2.5lbs all caught on the fly, wind E light too calm and overcast.        

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

12/6/12 and updates of the past week

Angler from the USA
12/6/12 US Angler fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of  caught a 7.5lbs Salmon on the troll and in the Sea Trout department John Claude of France caught a 2lbs Sea Trout on the fly, with his Gillie MR. frank Donnelly of 

Now for some updates

 8/6/12 Mr. Sian Brain of  caught one Salmon on the Commeragh. 9/6/12 Cork Angler caught a fine 10lbs Salmon on The Commeragh and just for the record the Commeragh Facts were given to me by Mr. Mike Thian, renowned local Angler.12/6/12  Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and @ reported to me today his catches in the past week in his hired out boat department and they are as follows, Mr. Malcolmson and Group from Northern Ireland, caught up to 10 Sea Trout of which the best was 3lbs and in the loss department Mr. Jonathon Brush lost 2 Salmon in the 8 and 9lbs class, all on the fly, Jan Mertens  and his fishing group, caught 14 Sea Trout of which the best was 4lbs and last but not least Mr. Michael Bonner of Co Donegal caught 2 Sea Trout ranging from 2lbs up to 3.5lbs all on the fly. 

Monday, June 11, 2012


All the Head lines in all the departments go to first in the Salmon department, Mr John Curtain and Mr. David Quinlan, caught a fine 6lbs Salmon on the troll with their Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly and in  Franks, hired out boat department, Mr. Nick Crispin caught a 2lbs Sea Trout on the fly. Wind all over the place. Now to the back date department or you could say I failed miserably in my duties, I will leave that to you decide, now that backdate, 8/6/12 renowned Cork angler Mr. Patsy Quilligan, caught 5 Sea Trout on the fly, ranging from ¾ lbs up to 2lbs. 9/6/12 Mr. Patsy Quilligan of Cork, caught 2 Sea Trout in the 2lbs class and he was also telling me that he caught a few nice Brown Trout, ranging from ¾ lbs up to 1lbs

Sunday, June 10, 2012


.Mr. Phil Staniforth
All the headlines go too Mr. Phil Staniforth who caught a fine 7lbs Salmon on the troll, Phil was fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of And my Noble Sea Trout were very elusive.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

9/6/12 Specimen Sea Trout update

Mr. John Andrews caught a fine Sea Trout in the 2lbs class and finished day off with a specimen Sea Trout of 6lbs of ,John was fishing out

Mr. Nick Park fishing with his Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley, caught a fine 6.5lbs Salmon on the troll and in the Sea Trout department, Dr. Tim Gleason, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Mike O’Dwyer, caught a fine 2.5lbs Sea Trout. There was no wind to talk of to help my Noble Fly Angler.                  

Friday, June 8, 2012


It was another cold and windy day on Lough Currane with a strong NW wind blowing, in the Sea Trout department Mr. Keith Nicklen caught a 2lbs Sea trout, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of and staying in the Sea Trout department a Guest caught 1 Sea Trout on the fly, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of  and just for the record there was 9.6mm of rainfall     yesterday            

Thursday, June 7, 2012

7/6/12 Update Sea Trout on the drift

Rocket or no rocket, in the Hired out boat department of Mr. John Maloney and Mr. Brendan Burn caught two Sea trout ranging from 1.5lbs up to 2.5lbs all caught on the fly., and last but not least Mr. Carl O’Shea,  also fishing out  in a hired out boat from caught a fine Sea Trout of 2lbs.

Raining all day and made a flood, and in the words of local Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of it was like the south pole out there, with a NE wind blowing down the lake and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that my Noble Sea Trout were not in a taking mood and my Noble Salmon Angler didn’t fair much better. As you read the other day that the first Salmon was recorded on the Inny this year and I was sent a good action photo taken of Mr. John Young just after he netted his Salmon, photo taken by Mr. Ken Towner of Waterville and the UK.              
caught on the 3/6/12 Photo taken by Mr. Ken Towner

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Young Angler of the day

Derek and from Germany caught a fine 8 lbs Salmon on the troll, while his Father watched proudly, Their Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and @  was telling me that they had a good battle with my Noble Salmon, Now to the Sea Trout department, a Family day out for local Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan and of  and it wasn’t long before a certain young Angler caught his first 3lbs Sea trout on the troll and I can tell you going by the photo he was one happy angler and my Fish of the day, staying in the Sea Trout department, anglers fishing in the hired out boat department of caught a fine Sea trout in the 2lbs class, again there were a few boats out manipulating their flies but alas they didn’t report catches, there was a prolonged shower this morning, wind, there was none first thing this morning until about 11am and when the breeze  did get up it came from the SW light with bright sunshine all afternoon.          
Gillie Tom OShea and his client Derek

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Mr. Rob Elson of the UK

Straight to the Salmon department, Mr. Rob Elson of the UK fishing with his Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley,  finished his Salmon and Sea Trout holiday with a fine 10lbs Salmon caught on the troll, now to the Sea Trout department, Mr. Mark Knowles of the UK, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught a 3lbs Sea Trout on the fly, and it was reported to me that an angler caught a fine Sea Trout on the drift off Church Island  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mr. Mathew Herrold and his Sons

There was some good action in the Sea Trout department both in the fly and trolling department, In the fly department Mr. Michael Power fishing in a hired out boat from Mr. Tom O’Shea and @  caught his first 2.25lbs Sea Trout this year, on the drift off Church Island, and staying with the fly, A guest fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught 2 Sea Trout ranging from 2lbs up to 5lbs, a guest fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of caught a fine Sea Trout just under the 2lbs on the fly, now to catch of the day and that goes to Mr. Mathew Herrold of the USA, first his sons started the day off with two Brown Trout, and  Mathew finished the day off with a fine 5.1lbs Sea Trout caught on the troll with his Gillie Mr. Vincent Appleby and of                        
2.25lbs Sea Trout caught by Mr. Michael Power

Sunday, June 3, 2012

3/6/12 Updated

Mr. John Young,
Caught on the fly on the River Inny

there was a fine 5lbs Sea Trout caught on the troll/fly by Dr Reinhard Biniek of Waterville and Germany.

Straight to the trolling department Mr. Gerry O’Sullivan of Cork, caught a Salmon just under 10lbs on the troll and in the hired out boat department of Waterville Boats and @ Mr. John White of Bristol of the UK, caught a 4.5lbs Grilse on the troll, and staying in the trolling department, Local Gillie Mr. Vincent Appleby and of caught a Grilse, now to the Sea Trout department, Mr. Alan Houlahan fishing in a hired out boat from caught a fine 2lbs Sea Trout on the drift this morning. Now we cut across the valley to the River Inny and the Breaking News that the first 7.5lbs Salmon was caught on the fly this season by local Gillie Mr. John Young so congratulations to Mr. John Young Esq., and just for the record, local Gillie Mr. Kevin Brain of reported to me that he caught a few juniors on the drift in the past few days. Wind W then veered N light and overcast                  
Mr. Vincent Appleby of

Saturday, June 2, 2012


There were few Sea trout caught, Mr. Rod Robinson of Waterville caught 3 Sea Trout up to 3lbs, Mr. Mark Knowles of the UK caught a fine Sea trout of 3.lbs on the fly, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of also in good form in the C&R Department was Mr. Peter Thompson of the UK with two Sea trout ranging from  1lbs up to 3lbs fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O'Shea and of and my fish of the day goes to Dr Reinhard Biniek of Waterville and Germany, who caught a fine 5lbs Sea Trout and last but not least Mr. Mark Doorman fishing with his Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley, caught a 2lbs Sea Trout on the troll. Wind ESE light and raining for most of the day and I can tell you my Noble Game fish will be grateful for this liquid refreshment as we anglers are.          

Friday, June 1, 2012

1/6/12 Update

Update Mr. Michael Bonner of Donegal caught a fine 3.5lbs Sea Trout on the drift, fishing in a hired out boat from Waterville Boats and @ 

Mr. Rob Elson of the UK
Mr. Rob Elson, caught a fine 12 lbs Salmon on the troll with his Gillie Mr. Brod O’Sullivan of Stella Maris guesthouse Waterville. In the  Salmon and Sea Trout Fly department it was hard going for the lack of wind and but at least one Angler came up with the goods in the Sea Trout department that was Mr. Dara Treacy fishing in a Hired out Boat from caught a fine 2 ¾ lbs Sea Trout on the drift. Wind all over the place and calm and this evening it was flat calm so at least my Noble Fly Anglers had an excuse for the lack of Game Fish.