Mr. Dan Sugrue R.I.P. |
26/4/15 Anglers again looked up to the Heavens today and for good reason, sadly I have to report that Waterville has lost another great Angler, Mr. Dan Sugrue R.I.P. Of Tralee and Waterville who sadly past away today and on behalf of all the Anglers and the good People of Kerry, I would like to send our Sincere sympathies to all his Family and friends. On a personal note, Dan was a great all round Game Angler and as a youngster I had some great fishing days with Dan, on Lough Currane and the River Inny and I must tell you one good story about Dan when he was in his early twenty’s in the sixties, he went up to his Uncles Pool on the Inny and had six casts and six Salmon, He had two more casts and caught nothing, turned to his Uncle and said, this is no good, I am leaving and going up to the next Pool and sadly Dan you have left us and I'm sure you are casting your Flies on the upper Heavenly pools.
On today’s Angling News on Lough Currane there isn't
any, so the least said the better. Wind E fresh and bright sunshine all day.