There was some fine action on Lough Currane today, I will start with the early shift, where the Prince was in good form, when he caught a fine Grilse and two Sea Trout, both in the 2lbs class, all caught on the fly, with his gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan, staying with the Grilse, in the trolling department, Mr. John Butler and his Father, from Kenmare, fishing with their gillie Mr. Vincent Appleby and of http://www.salmonandseatrout.com/ caught a fine Grilse and a sea trout all in the 2lbs class, plus they also lost two Grilse, now to the drifting department, a Belgium fishing party, fishing in a hired out boat caught a 3lbs Sea trout, also in good form was Mr. Jim Sayers, with two Seatrout both in the 2lbs class. Wind SW light to fresh and overcast with the odd light shower.
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