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Far Left Mr. Michael O'Sullivan of Waterville Boats Lough Lein Anglers |
Straight to the Salmon department, Mr. Heinz Stratmann of Germany caught a fine Grilse on the troll, while fishing with his
Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of
www.lakelandshouse.com Now too the S
ea Trout Departments, Mr. Terence Wharton Junior caught 2 Sea trout, ranging from Junior class up to 3lbs and his father Mr. Terence Wharton Snr. Caught 4 Juniors and staying with the Sea Trout, the Lough Lein Anglers had their Sea Trout competition on
Lough Currane and as you can see Mr. E. McCarthy was the outright supreme fly Angler, and just for the record I will give all other anglers names later. Now we head upstream too Lough Derriana, Mr. Eddie Blanche and Ivor from Co Laois, caught 25 Juniors with their
gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and of tomfishing@eircom.net Wind SW fresh and overcast.
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