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Monday, April 22, 2013


Mr. Frank Donnelly

There was some good fishing on the Lake and here are today’s facts, Straight to the Inner Capal and the fly department first in the striking zone was renowned Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of who caught a fine 8 lbs. Salmon. Once Franks fish was dispatched, Frank headed home, and Mr. Liam Ellis of Waterville took over, and it wasn’t long before his fly rod was bent double into a fine 11 lbs. Salmon and the rest is history, said Liam as he celebrated  with a pint in the Waterville Inn. Now to the catch of the day and that goes to renowned Dutch angler Mr. Tim Van Der Laan, who caught a fine 7 lbs. specimen Sea Trout on the troll, while fishing with his gillie Mr. Terence Wharton and just for the record Tim has been coming to the Waterville Fishery for 39 years, fair play to him.                        
Mr. Tim Van Der Lann

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