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Sunday, June 30, 2013


Mr. Phil Staniforth
Anglers again have good sport on Lough Currane today, first in the striking fly zone, was Mr.Phil Staniforth, who caught a 9 lbs. Salmon, while fishing with his gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of now for a mixture of Sea Trout and catch of the day, that goes to Mr. Mike Fish and his Gillie Mr. Mike Dwyer, they caught 2 Grilse ranging from 4 lbs. up to 5 lbs. and finished their day off with 2 Sea Trout ranging from 1 ¼ lbs. up to 2 ½ lbs. Staying in the Sea trout department, Mr. Pete Maxi of the UK, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Sylvester Donnelly, caught a 2 ½ lbs Sea trout on the drift. Just for the record there were a good few boats out manipulating their flies and sadly failed to report their catches. Mind you, that’s if they caught anything and if they didn’t they failed any way. Wind SW fresh to strong this morning and fresh this afternoon with good cloud cover.                                        


Mr. Michael O'Sullivan Waterville Boats
Noel Clancy 
There was some fine action on Lough Currane today so lets get down to the facts. In the Salmon and Sea Trout department, Mr Mike Fish of the UK, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Mike Dwyer, caught a Grilse and finished their day off with 2 Sea Trout, ranging from 2 lbs up to 3 lbs. all caught on the troll. Staying in the trolling department, a client fishing with his gillie Mr. Brod O’Sullivan of Stella Maris Waterville, also caught a Grilse. Now we cut across the Lake to the south side, Mr. Gerry O’Sullivan of Cork and Waterville, caught a fine Grilse on the troll. Now to the Sea Trout fly department, Mr. Pete Maxi of the UK, fishing with his Gillie Sylvester Donnelly of     caught and released 2 Sea Trout ranging from 2 lbs up to 5 lbs, staying in the Sea Trout department Mr. Kennedy, fishing with his Gillie Mr. John Murphy caught 2 Sea Trout ranging from 3 lbs up to 4 lbs. Now we cut back to the north side of the lake, Amanda and Bill Guns, caught 3 Sea Trout ranging 1 ½ lbs up to 2 ½ lbs while fishing with their Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of and in Neil’s hired out boat department, Mr. Kevin Edwards of Cork, caught 2 Sea Trout ranging from 3 lbs up to 7 ¾  lbs. French Anglers fishing with their Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan at caught 2 fine Sea Trout ranging from 2 lbs up to 5 ¾ lbs. all caught on the fly, now back to the south side, Mr. Bill Dooner of the USA and fishing in the hired out boat department of caught a fine Sea Trout of 2 ½ lbs on the drift and in the Salmon department Mr. Michael Brune of Cork caught a fine Grilse on the troll of 6 ½ lbs. Now to the evening shift, Mr. Noel Clancy of Dublin and Waterville caught 5 Sea Trout ranging from 2 lbs. up to 5lbs and rose 15 more, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Sion Brain of                                

Catch of the Day

Friday, June 28, 2013


Thick fog and misty rain with light rain and with all that some anglers did see some action in the Salmon department, caught a fine 5 lbs. Grilse on the troll early this morning. Now to the Sea Trout department, Mr. Malcolm Clark of the UK fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught 2 Sea Trout in the 2 lbs class, also in good form was Mr. Pete Maxi of the UK, who caught 3 Sea Trout ranging from Juniors up to 2.½ lbs. while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Sylvester Donnelly of Staying in the Sea Trout department Mr. Rod Robenson of Waterville caught a fine 3 ½ lbs. Sea Trout on the drift, and last but not least, Ernie caught a 2 ½ lbs, Sea Trout on the drift, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of Weather as already stated.                

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Proud Dad, Heather. James.
Kids show their proud Dad Mr. Jerry Breen of Co Louth, how to do it, and do it in style they did, young Miss Heather Breen caught the first fine Grilse on the troll and it wasn’t long before her brother James, also caught a fine grilse on the troll, while their Father watched on with delight and their Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and at was telling me that both young anglers played their first Salmon in style, so congratulations to the both of them and their Dad on a great catch. Staying on the north side, in the Grilse department, Mr. Tom Marriott of  the UK caught a fine Grilse on the troll, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of also in good form in the trolling department was Mr. Malcolm Clark of the UK, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught a Grilse on the troll. Now we cut across the Lake to the south side, and in the Sea Trout department, Luxembourg Angler, Ernie, caught a 3 lbs Sea trout on the drift, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of and in Frank’s hired out boat department Mr. Rich Elliot caught a specimen Sea Trout of 7 ½ lbs on the fly, also in good form in the fly department, was Mr. Barry Vaughn and his good friend, they caught 3 Sea Trout on the drift, ranging from 2.½ lbs. up to 3 lbs. Just for the record all the Gillie’s were reporting a good show of  fish today. Wind NNW light to calm and overcast with light misty rain at times.            


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Mr. Derek Hinkes
Mr. Myles Kelly with his first ever Lough Currane 4 lbs. Sea Trout  
26/6/13 I start today’s notes on a correction on yesterdays notes, an apology to Mr. Richie Stuart of for getting his name wrong, and good friend Mr. Myles Kelly of  and I can tell you that Mr. Neil O’Shea of demanded that the record be put straight. Now today’s facts, in the Salmon department, Mr. Derek Hinkes of the UK fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O‘Shea of caught a fine Grilse on the troll. Now to the Sea Trout department, Mr, Pete Maxi, caught 3 Sea Trout, ranging from 2 lbs. up to 3 ½ lbs. and his good friend Mr. Jim Cooke caught a fine Sea Trout of 1.½  lbs. all caught on the fly, fishing with their Gillie Mr. Sylvester Donnelly of  and in Sylvester’s hired out boat department, yesterday 25/6/13 Mr. E. Scofield of the UK caught a 10 ¼ lbs. Salmon on the fly and he was also telling me that he caught a fine 3 lbs Sea Trout last week, all caught on the fly. And staying in the backdate department, local Gillie Mr. John Murphy and his client caught a nice basket of Sea Trout of which the best was 5 lbs. Wind today was all over the place and calm with bright sunshine all day.      

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Mr. Frank Donnelly and Mr. Bill Doone
Mr. Tim Galvin and Mr. Tom O'Shea
Mr. Thomas Baunhaure 
There was some good action on the Waterville Fishery today and the paparazzi was in full swing, so lets get down to the action. First in the striking zone, was Mr. Thomas Baunhaure of Switzerland, who caught a fine Grilse on the troll, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of also in good form on the north side, i.e. the Bungalow, was Mr. Tim Galvin of the USA, he also caught a Grilse on the drift, Tim was ably assisted by his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and of and staying on the north side, Dr. Jim Comerford caught a Grilse on the Troll. Now we cut across the Lake to the south side and catch of the day, Mr. Bill Dooner of the USA, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of  caught two Salmon ranging from 5 lbs up to 8 lbs. and they finished their day off with a Sea Trout in the 2 lbs. class, all caught on the troll. Staying with in their hired out boat department, Mr. Barry Vaughn and his good friend caught 5 Sea Trout all in the 2.5 lbs class and just for the record they caught a 3 lbs Sea Trout yesterday afternoon all on the drift. Staying in the Sea Trout department, Mr. Pete Maxi, and his good friend caught 1 Sea trout on the drift. Staying in the Sea Trout hired out boat department of Mr. Myles Kelly of fishing with his good friend Mr. Richie Johnston of  caught a 4lbs Sea Trout on the fly   Now we head up stream to the Commeragh River and Mr. Mike Teahan of Waterville caught a fine 9 lbs Salmon on his favorite fly the Black Birds Fancy. Wind NNW light with reasonable cloud cover.             

Mr. Mike Teahan

Monday, June 24, 2013


Mr. Pete Maxi of the UK caught 3 fine Sea Trout, all in the 3 lbs. class, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Sylvester Donnelly and at and for the rest of the angling community they failed miserably in their duties in catching my Noble Game Fish or in reporting the catches.    


I start today’s notes with a backdate, yesterday 22/6/13 Mr. Chris Fogarty, fishing on the Commeragh, caught 2 Salmon ranging from 4 lbs. up to 9 lbs and on Lough Namona , Mr. Kevin O’Sullivan of Lake rd, Waterville, caught plenty of Brown Trout of which the best weighed in at 3 ½ lbs. Now back to the present, My Noble Game fish were in a lethargic mood, or you could say my noble anglers were casting their flies with a lethargic attitude. Wind the same as yesterday.                      

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Martin and Steve Coveney
Mr.Steve Coveney
Mr. Phil Staniforth
It’s the early bird that catches my Noble Game fish, I will start on the Commeragh River where there was some great action early this morning. First in the striking zone was Mr. Steve Coveney, who caught a fine specimen Sea Trout of 7.¾ lbs. and toped that with a 9 lbs Salmon and ably assisted by his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of now we head down stream to Lough Currane, Not to be outdone, Steve’s Brother Martin, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of caught a fine 4 lbs. Grilse and toped that by Catching a 8 lbs Salmon and putting it back to fight another day, anglers take note, and just for the record both Martin’s fish were caught on the troll and they were fishing out of Bay View  Hotel. Staying in the trolling department Mr. Mike Sheehy caught a 5 lbs Grilse on the troll while fishing with his Gillie Mr. junior Scully, also in good form in the trolling department was Mr. Phil Staniforth, who caught a fine Grilse on the troll, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of Now to the Sea Trout department, Mr. Peter Cox, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Mike Dwyer, caught 3 Sea Trout ranging from 2 lbs up to 3 ½ lbs. and now we go for quote of the day, I asked local Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of which way was the wind, he replied a bit of NW and as you can see its overcast with light rain.                  

Friday, June 21, 2013


Straight to the Sea Trout, fly department , Mr. Michael Jones and Mr. Maurice Willis, caught a nice basket of Sea Trout/Juniors, also in good form was Dr. Tim Gleason with 2 Sea Trout ranging from 2 lbs. up to 2 ½ lbs. while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Mike Dwyer, and local Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of reported that he saw a number of anglers catching a few Sea Trout, and staying in the Sea Trout department the Prince caught 1 Sea Trout in the 2 lbs class while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of and last but not least, In the trolling department, local Gillie Mr. Kevin Brain of caught 4 Sea Trout up to 2 lbs and finished his day off with a fine Brown Trout, Wind W then veered SW fresh and overcast with rain all afternoon.          

Thursday, June 20, 2013


There was some good action on the Waterville fishery to day. I will start on the Commeragh river where Mr. Mike Teahan of Tralee and Waterville, caught a fine 10 lbs. Salmon. Now we head downstream to the Big Lake/ Lough Currane, straight to a mixture of Salmon and Sea Trout, Mr. John Fish, fly fishing with his Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan of  caught a fine Grilse and finished their day off with 2 Sea Trout, also in good form in the Salmon department was Dr. Jim Comerford, who caught 8 lbs Salmon on the troll. Now to the Sea Trout department, Mr. Rudy Vey from the USA caught 2 Sea Trout ranging from Juniors up to 2lbs. while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of Now to the Hired out boat department of and of Mr. Brian O’Connell caught a fine 3 ½ lbs. on the drift. Now back to this evening, The Prince caught a 8 lbs Salmon on the fly while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of Wind W and overcast with light rain at times.      

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mr. Kevin Lavery of Killarney, caught 1 Sea Trout in the 2 lbs class on the troll, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of but on a whole my Noble Game fish were on the slack side.


Mr. John Fish, takes all the Sea Trout headlines. He caught a fine 4 lbs. Sea Trout on the fly, while fishing with his gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan of and for the rest of the game fishing community, no comment. Wind light this morning and slightly stronger in the afternoon, with reasonable cloud cover.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Straight to the Sea Trout department, Mr. Liam Ellis of Waterville, caught a Sea Trout in the 2 lbs class on the drift, and for the rest of the my Noble Anglers they failed miserably in their duties. Wind NE fresh this morning then veered E light to calm with good cloud cover.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Rain for most of the day, with strong gusty winds from the NE, and as you would expect there was little action in the Sea Trout department and my Noble Salmon didn't fair much better. On the River front, no reports of any real rod benders. Weather as already stated. 


Mr. John Whelan and Mr. Giles Sturgers
Straight to the specimen Sea Trout department an angler caught a 8 lbs. Sea Trout fishing on his own, will get name and facts later. Now we head upstream to the Commeragh river, again there were reports of  Anglers catching my Noble Gentlemen the Salmon, but alas they have failed miserably in their duties in reporting their noble catches. So we will cut across the valley to the River Inny, Mr. Giles Sturgers, caught a cracker of a Salmon on the fly in the 12 lbs class and good friend Mr. John Whelan finished their day off with a 5 lbs Grilse, their Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of was telling me that was Giles’s first ever Salmon on the fly and may it be the first of many and just for the record they headed for the Famous Butler Pool of so watch this space.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

14/6/13 Sea Trout update

2 Sea Trout  caught by Mr. Phil Staneforth, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic  McGillicuddy of

Lough Currane was on the quiet side after the big flood, and all the action was on the Commeragh River, you could say it was the Salmon Munster Final, Kerry V Cork, the only problem is I can’t give you the results because my noble anglers didn't report their catches. So we will head upstream to Lough Derriana and the C&R department, Mr. Denis Dennehy, caught 12 light Trout and the weather was heavy going. Wind SW fresh and veered NW this evening.                  

Friday, June 14, 2013


Mr/. Mike Teahan
Straight to the Sea Trout department, first in the striking zone with a fine 3 lbs Sea Trout on the fly, was Mr. Liam Ellis of Waterville. Also in good form was local Gillie Mr. Mike Dwyer, who caught 2 Sea Trout ranging from 2 lbs. up to 3 lbs. Now we head upstream to the Commeragh, and for good reason Mr. Mike Teahan of  Waterville and the Bull ring, Tralee, who caught a fine Salmon on the Garden fly, and in my opinion this was poetic justice, because Mike sung “Oh Danny boy” at my Father’s funeral, and today was my Fathers birthday, so play it again Sam, sorry Mike. Thanks from the Appleby Family.                    

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mr. Rob Elson
 Lough Currane was on the quiet side after yesterdays flood, but at least Mr. Rob Elson of the UK, caught 2 fine Sea trout on the drift while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Brod O’Sullivan of Stella Maris Guesthouse Waterville, and staying with Rob, he caught 3 Grilse on the Caragh Fishery, and two Grilse on the Killarney Lakes in the past week. Now we head upstream to the Commeragh river, where Mr. Mike Teahan, the matador of the Bull Ring, Tralee, was in great form this evening after catching a 8 lbs Salmon on the Blackbirds Fancy. Wind SE light and overcast.      
Mr.Mike Teahan 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Mr. James Henchey
The Waterville Fishery may have lacked wind, but this didn't stop some anglers seeing some action. We start on the famous Butler Pool and of where Mr. James Henchey of the UK caught a fine Salmon on a John Whelan special Shrimp fly. Now we head upstream to Lough Currane and the Specimen Sea Trout department, a Guest fishing with his Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan of caught a magnificent 8
Mr. Vincent O'Sullivan
lbs Sea Trout on the fly in flat calm conditions I might add, sadly I couldn't take a photo of the Angler himself holding his specimen Sea Trout, so Vincent took center stage on his behalf. Wind SE then veered N and veered again back into the south, overcast with light rain at times in the afternoon and just for the record it made a flood last night and the amount of rainfall was 33.5mm.       

Monday, June 10, 2013


All quiet on the SW front in all departments, or you can say my noble anglers failed miserably in there duties, and if they did catch my noble game fish, they failed to report their catches. On the weather front mad light rain all day and has made a flood and is still raining this evening.                      

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Straight to the Sea Trout department, Mr. Rob Elson of the UK caught 2 Juniors on the drift, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Brod O’Sullivan of Stella Maris Guesthouse Waterville. Wind SE light with bright sunshine all day, so on that note I will head for the backdate department. It was reported to me today, that last Sunday 2/6/13 that an angler fishing on his own caught 2 fine Salmon ranging from 6lbs up to 10 lbs. both were caught on the troll.                    

Saturday, June 8, 2013


All quiet on all fronts, be it fly or troll, and with the sun blazing down all we anglers caught was a suntan. Wind NW light this morning and fresh this afternoon.                  

Friday, June 7, 2013


There was bright sunshine all day, wind SE light to calm, come 2 pm the wind veered NW light to fresh and veered again WNW fresh, and alas my Noble Anglers failed in all departments, and in the words of Mr. Neil O’Shea of I asked Neil if he caught anything? yea Sun stroke. So on that note, we head for the update department, on the 2/6/13 Mr. Ed Kelly, caught a 8 lbs Salmon on the troll, first thing in the morning.                

Thursday, June 6, 2013


All quiet on the SW front and with bright sunshine all day that is not surprising, so I will give you a back date, yesterday the 5/6/13. Mr. Dannie Wilster of the UK caught a 3 lbs. Grilse on the troll and caught a mixture of Juniors and Brown Trout on the fly, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and at and I can tell you I got a diplomatic verbal thrashing for failing to report yesterdays catch, all I say is sorry for that, and as Nero the Roman Emperor said, pass me my weeping vase. The photos that you see are from the hired out boat department of of last weeks catches.          
Mr. Ian Graham and Mr Trevor West

Mr. Ian Graham and Mr Trevor West

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Mr. Neil O'Shea and Mr. Michael Smith 
Here is the News, on Lough Currane today, Mr. Michael Smith of the UK, got his hat trick in the Salmon department, when he caught a fine 10 lbs on the troll, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of in the Sea Trout department a guest fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught a Sea Trout in the 2lbs class on the drift, Wind SE light to calm then veered NW and veered back into the south, light to fresh with bright sunshine all day. Water temperature deep out from the Mouth of the Commeragh was 17.2 c/62f  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Mr.Neil O'Shea and Mr. Michael Smith of the UK
All the head lines go to Mr. Michael Smith of the UK, who caught a fine lightening fresh Grilse on the fly within 10 minutes, first thing this morning, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of On the Sea Trout front no reports of any real rod benders. Wind S light to calm this morning and fresh this afternoon with bright sunshine all day.  

Monday, June 3, 2013


Mr. Neil O'Shea and Mr. Michael Smith
Lough Currane was in good form again after yesterdays good action, so lets get down to the facts. In the fly department Mr. Michael Smith of the UK, caught a cracker of a Salmon in the 10 lbs class, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of now to the trolling department, an angler fishing on his own, caught a Salmon in the 9 to 10 lbs. class. In the Sea Trout department, Mr. Gavin Coldwell, caught 2 Sea Trout on the fly, ranging from 2 lbs. up to 3 lbs. while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley. Wind SE then veered NW and veered again into the SW light to calm this morning and light to fresh this afternoon, overcast this morning and come this afternoon bright sunshine.


Gavin McCarthy
Straight to the Salmon department, Dr. Jim Comerford, was in good form again when he caught a fine 5 lbs Grilse on the troll, staying in the trolling department Mr. Pat Healy of Waterville also caught a 4 lbs. Grilse on the troll. Now to the Sea trout department and catch of the day, and that goes to Cork Angler, Mr. Gavin McCarthy, who caught a specimen Sea Trout of 6 lbs. 2 ozs on the fly, and just for the record this was Gavin’s second day out Sea Trout fishing in his life, and to conquer a specimen within 12 hours is not bad, considering I know one angler it took him 40 years to catch his first. Staying in the Sea Trout department, Mr. Sean Smith of the UK caught a 2. ½ lbs. Sea Trout, while fishing with his gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea
 of Wind flat calm this morning and we didn’t get any until lunchtime, which was SW light and overcast all day.

Pat Healy 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

1/6/13 Update from

now to the hired out department of Mr. Ciaran Mahony caught a Sea Trout of 2 ½ lbs on the fly and in Salmon department, Mr. Charlie Bishop of the UK, caught a fine Grilse of 4 lbs on the fly.
Mr. Tony Church
Straight to my catch of the day,  Dr. Jim Comerford, caught a fine 9 lbs Salmon on the troll. Now to the Sea Trout department, Mr. Tony Church caught a fine Sea Trout, drifting off the Church, and last but not least, a Guest caught a fine Sea Trout in the 4 lbs. class, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley, also in good form Was Mr. Michael Smith of the UK, who caught a fine 2 lbs. Brown Trout,on the fly, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O'Shea of Staying with the Sea Trout, there were a good few boats out, and even though it wasn't a great day for my Noble Sea Trout as it was very cold, sadly my Noble Anglers, failed to report their catches and if they didn’t catch any fish, you can say they failed miserably in their duties, as I did. Wind N and veered NNW at times. light to fresh and overcast with the odd bit of sun breaking through at times.