Mr. Daniel Claris and Mr. Alain Behar of Paris France, fishing with their Gillie Mr. Vincent Appleby, caught 3 juniors on the troll, in the Sea trout fly department the least said the soonest mended, or put it this way so far no catches have been registered? Well they have now, in the hired out boat department, Mr. Neil O’Shea, reported to me, that Mr. Mike O’Shea and his fishing colleague caught 9 Trout on the fly, weather conditions Wind WSW light to fresh with bright sunshine all day.
Mr. Daniel Claris and Mr. Alain Behar of Paris France, fishing with their Gillie Mr. Vincent Appleby, caught 3 juniors on the troll, in the Sea trout fly department the least said the soonest mended, or put it this way so far no catches have been registered? Well they have now, in the hired out boat department, Mr. Neil O’Shea, reported to me, that Mr. Mike O’Shea and his fishing colleague caught 9 Trout on the fly, weather conditions Wind WSW light to fresh with bright sunshine all day.
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