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Monday, April 30, 2018


An Anglers excuse
30/4/18 On this the last day of April their fly reels were as silent as the Lambs as the fly anglers cast their flies into the current, into the Ledges and into the points of Currane. As the trollers past the fly men / fly women, they all gave a blank hand signals and that sums up today’s action, all hands and no Wild Atlantic Salmon. Wind NW light variable and bright sunshine all day even though there was a bit of cloud cover at times. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 12.4c. 

Sunday, April 29, 2018


29/4/18 As April is closing on a cold spell and today was no exception, as you can imagine with the wind  ENE and with bright sunshine all morning it doesn’t make for good fly fishing, but come afternoon it began to cloud over and as you can imagine the Currane fly anglers anticipated a few rod benders but sadly that wasn’t the case, but at least they were out there manipulating their flies and lures. I will finish with quote of the day from a local angler, we flogged our flies all day and all we landed up with is an aching back and now I’m heading for the bar and in the morning I might have a hangover, oh what the hell theres always tomorrow. Wind ENE light and variable with a few showers. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 4.8mm. Maximum air temperature 11.2c.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


Snow and its nearly May!
28/4/18 The cold weather is the big story of the day and for good reason, we start with a slight snow flurry on the Kerry Mountains’ as you can see by today's picture and to top it all local Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of and his client Mr. Martin Coveney were telling me as the temperature dropped and you can believe it or believe it not one hailstone shower lasted an hour and a half and it got so bad that Tom had to bail his boat, I believe they call it global warming, I personally would say that my Noble anglers were frozen
out this day, or as my Uncle asked one Great Gillie Mr. Jack O’Sullivan 45 years ago, any good today Jack, no replied Jack, had a bad day at the Office and I think that’s sums up today's action. Wind NE light to fresh. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.2mm. Maximum air temperature 11.7c.   

Friday, April 27, 2018


27/4/18 All the action comes from  and for good reason, their client UK angler Mr. Mark Knowles, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught a fine 10 lbs. Salmon and that was their ration for the day and for the rest of the Currane Anglers it was all quiet on the SW Front. Wind E calm to light with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of raifall 1.2mm. Maximum air temperature 10.9                                                                                               

Thursday, April 26, 2018


26/4/18 Straigt to the clerical error department and yes I got a diplomatic thrashing in all departments and yes I failed miserably in my Duties, for getting the facts wrong, so lets put the record straigt, yesterday I reporteded that UK Angler, Mr. John Howard Knowles, caught his 11lbs. Salmon on the troll, well this was incorrect and in actual fact John caught it on the fly. Just for the record Mr. John Howard Knowles and his Dad, Mr. Mark Knowles, were fishing out of  Now todays action, sadly the Wild Atlantic Salmon were in a lethargic mood this day and I can tell you by the end of the day my Noble fly anglers weren’t far behind after casting their flies all day and as they say that’s fishing. Wind NW light to calm with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 3.2mm. Maximum air temperature 11.4c.                                                                                 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Arthur and Niall
John and Terence
25/4/18 There was some good action on the Waterville fishery today so straight to the action. In the trolling department, angler Mr. John Howard Knowles from Preston, caught a cracker of an 11 lbs. Salmon on the troll, while Fishing with his Gillie Mr. Terence Wharton Jnr, also in good form was John’s Father, Mr. Mark Knowles, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught an 11 lbs. Salmon on the fly. Now we head for the bungalow and catch of the day and in the trolling department, fishing out of Mr. Niall Howe of Co. Down, caught a fine 7 ½ lbs. Salmon and the action didn’t stop there because his good friend Mr. Arthur MisKelly also fishing out of caught a cracker of a 12 lbs. Salmon, all while fishing with their Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shrea of Now we head upstream on the Commeragh, an angler from Cork caught an 8 lbs. Salmon on the fly, while fishing whith his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of Wind NW fresh and gusty with heavy hale showers. Yesterdays weather. Amount of rainfall 11.0mm. Maximum air temperature12.2c.                                                                     

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


24/4/18 Mr. Anulak Hitmiangsong or Tham as he is known locally was the talk of the Currane anglers today and for good reason, Tham caught a fine 9 lbs, Salmon on the troll and for the rest of the angling community it was all quiet in all departments, so one can say without any fear of contradiction that Tham was the only angler on song today! Wind calm this morning and come afternoon there was a nice moderate breeze from the NW, with showers. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 5.8mm. Maximum air temperature 12.7c   

Monday, April 23, 2018


23/4/18 All the fly action comes from the Bungalow, Mr. Arthur MisKelly of Armagh, fishing out of caught a fine 8 lbs. Salmon on the fly. While fishing with his gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of and sadly I have noting to report in the trolling department. Wind SW fresh to strong and veered in the afternoon NW moderate. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.6mm. Maximum air temperature 12.1c.

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Wild Atlantic Salmon
same Salmon!
 22/4/18 There was some good fly action today, so straigt to the fly department, a Guest fishing with his Gillie Mr. Terence Wharton Jnr, caught a fine 10 lbs. Salmon on the fly. On that note we will head for catch of the day and that goes to Co. Clare angler Mr. Declan Macniery, while fly fishing with his Trout Rod and his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of  caught  a fine 14 lbs. Salmon on the fly. Dominic was telling me that it took 1 hour and 20 minutes to dispatch their fine Wild Atlantic Salmon. In the trolling department it was all quiet on the SW front. Wind SW fresh with reasonable cloud cover with showers. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 10.7mm. Maximum air temperature 12.9.                                                                                   

Saturday, April 21, 2018


21/4/18 Yesterday it was the  artistry of the brush, well today Dublin Angler Mr. Leslie Sheil  fishing out of showed his fishing artistry in the trolling department today by catching a cracker of a 10 lbs. Salmon while fishing with his Gillie/Guide Mr. Tom O’Shea of Wind South moderate and very sunny. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.1. Maximum air temperature 13.3c.

Friday, April 20, 2018


20/4/18 Lough Currane was all quiet on the SW front and to be fair to the Currane Anglers Lough Currane is still on the rise and talking of the big flood, Local Gillie Mr. Terence Wharton Jnr. Was telling me while holding the boat for his client in the Mouth of Commeragh yesterday, you could see current going all the way up to the Grey Rock and with 42.2mm of rainfall that’s not surprising. As there was no artistry in the angling department today, we will head for a bit of superb artistry with Vincent Donnelly and his brush and you can decide and just click. Wind West light to fresh and bright sunshine with cloud cover at times. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 14.8c. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018


19/4/18 All quiet on the SW front in all departments. Wind SW light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 5.1mm. Maximum air temperature 12.8c.                                     

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


18/4/18 Another Wild day on Lough Currane with a strong SE wind blowing with heavy showers, but this didn’t deter Kenmare Angler Mr. Dick Elder, catching a fine 9 lbs. Salmon on the fly and his gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of was telling that it was especially made by Dick. Just for the record because of the wild conditions there were only one or two boats out manipulating. Wind as already stated. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.2mm. Maximum air temperature 12.2c. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Tim looks up to the heavens
great catch
Wild Atlantic Salmon 
17/4/18 Another Wild day on Lough Currane with strong SSW blowing, which kept the North Shore Anglers in dry dock, so on that note we head over to the South side and for good reason, Dutch Angler. Mr. Tim Van Der Laan was in flying form, while trolling with his Gillie Mr. Terence Wharton, caught a cracker of a 10 lbs. Salmon and considering the  wild conditions and mighty big flood last night they did well. Wind as already stated with heavy showers. Yesterdays Weather, amount of rainfall 42. 2mm. Maximum air temperature 11.0c. 

Monday, April 16, 2018


16/4/18 All Wild Atlantic Salmon stations on Lough Currane were at a standstill as the weather takes hold, anglers could only watch the wild SSW wind blowing across Lough Currane and that sums up today’s manipulations or lack of, I should say. Wind SSW strong with violent gusts plus heavy rain all day. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 7.9 mm. Maximum air temperature 11. 8c.           

Sunday, April 15, 2018


15/4/18 This weeks angling ends on a stormy note with a strong wind from the SW so as you can imagine the majority of anglers called it a day even though the day hadn’t even started, but as I say that the Lough Currane detective agency did report one boat did head out down the South side but to no avail. Wind SW strong with heavy rain at times. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 7.5mm. Maximum air temperature 13.0c                                                                                                   

Saturday, April 14, 2018


14/4/18 Lough Currane was all quiet on all fronts and that’s not surprising with a Southerly gale blowing across Lough Currane and if the odd boat did get out, their lines were slack.  Now for the rest of today’s forecast, over cast and signs that there’s more heavy rain on the way? Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall  2.0mm. Maximum air temperature 12.5c.                                                                                         

Friday, April 13, 2018


13/4/18 After the excitement yesterday the Lough Currane Wild Atlantic Salmon were in a lethargic mood today, but at least a bit of history was made today, it’s the first time this season that My Noble Anglers have miserably in their duties in all departments. Wind W fresh with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 2.2mm. Maximum air temperature 14.1c. 

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Worth waiting for! 
12/4/18 Lough Currane Salmon is back to normality so lets go straight to the action and just for the record its all in the trolling department. We start at the West end of  the Lake, Mr. David Meigan, fishing of and fishing with his Gillie, caught a fine 11 lbs. Salmon on the troll. Now we head up the North Shore to the Bungalow, our next Salmon port of action, Mr. Paul Sanders, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of caught a 8 lbs. Salmon on the troll. Wind ESE fresh but come afternoon it went light to calm. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.1mm, Maximum air temperature 11.1c 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


View of Lough Currane today
11/4/18 All quiet on the SW front in all departments and sadly no reports of any rod benders, in defence of anglers especially the fly men and women, there was little to no wind, even though I’m sure there was a few casts presented to the Wild Atlantic Salmon and the world famous Lough Currane specimen Sea Trout. Wind NE light and variable with good cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.1mm. Maximum 12.3c.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


10/4/18 A very cold NE wind takes control over My Noble fly anglers, because they were anticipating a change of wind, but sadly this wasn’t the case, all the fly anglers caught  by the end of the day was a touch of rawhide and the same goes for the lure manipulators. Just for the record there was another flood last night which didn’t help either. Wind as all ready stated. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 15.3mm. Maximum air temperature 10.1c. 

Monday, April 9, 2018


fishing and Golf
9/4/18 Sadly my Noble Anglers weren’t in tone with the Wild Atlantic Salmon today on Lough Currane and in the words of  renowned local Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan, we caught nothing, we rose noting and it was dam cold out there and to top it all I’m soaking wet, well I think that sums up today’s manipulations. Wind SSE then veered E plus there was very good cloud cover with heavy rain. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 9.0mm.
Maximum air temperature 12.9c.

Sunday, April 8, 2018


8/4/18 All Salmon headlines go to UK and Waterville angler Mr. Ken Towner, while fly fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught a fine 9 lbs. Salmon on the fly. Ken was telling me that he had a good battle with his Wid Atlantic 9lbs. Salmon. Wind SE then veered N light to calm all day. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 1.6mm. Maximum air temperature 13.9c. 

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Lough Currane,
7/4/18 Lough Currane was settling down this day after the big flood so it wasn’t surprising that the Currane anglers drew a blank but saying that the Lough Currane binocular man did see one boat lose a reasonably good fish, but losses sadly don’t count. Wind SW light to calm and variable at times, with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 26.8mm. Maximum air temperature 12.3. Anglers please take note and watch this video,

Friday, April 6, 2018


Big Flood on the
River Inny
6/4/18 Strong winds and heavy showers were the order of the day, first the wind was South then veered SW and  with all the elements against my Noble Anglers this didn’t  deter them heading out to the South side where one could get a bit of shelter but with all their efforts they couldn’t register a Wild Atlantic Salmon, but to be fair there was an almighty flood this morning and you can say without any fear of contradiction the elements were against them and in my opinion they did well to get out there and as you can see by the photos of the flood coming down the Inny, it gives you a fair idea how big the flood was. Yesterdays weather 16.8mm. Maximum air temperature 10.9. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Michael, Bernard, Peter.
Peter, Michael!
Waterville House
5/4/18 Lough Currane anglers headed out this morning hoping to catch My Noble Gentlemen the  Salmon before the yellow weather warning came in and luckily or sadly the  luck was on the side of the Lough Currane Salmon, because come 1.30pm all boats were blown off and two anglers, Mr. Peter Rall and Brother Mr. Bernard Rall of Germany, had their days lake fishing interrupted so headed off down Stream with their Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and at to the World famous Butler Pool and of   and I can tell you it wasn’t long Mr. Peter Rall had his fly rod bent double into a fine 9 lbs. Salmon and I can tell you the conditions were terrible but I’m sure Peter and Bernard are well satisfied with their days fishing. Wind SSE fresh to strong and overcast with heavy rain this evening. Yesterdays weather amount of rainfall 0.2mm. Maximum air temperature 9.3c.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


4/4/18 Lough Currane was all quiet on the SW Front and with a fresh Northeast wind blowing. So its not that surprising that their lines were slack, but as Hands once said to a Gillie many years ago, East wind very good for fishing and the Gillie replied I’m a Gillie and I’m Telling you East wind no good for Fishing, well, Gillie or no Gillie I  have 18 lbs. Salmon in one hand  and 8 lbs. Salmon in the other hand and what do you say to that, ahh East wind very good, so the moral to the  story is East wind or not you can catch the old Gentlemen if you’re out there. Wind as already stated with reasonable cloud cover, with light rain this morning, yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 11.9mm. Maximum air temperature 11.4c.   

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


3/4/18 Mr. Andrew Wishart of Northern Ireland takes all the Salmon headlines, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught a cracker of a 10 1bs. Salmon on the troll. And the other anglers that were manipulating lures and flies sadly it was all quiet in all departments. Wind SSE fresh with good cloud cover with rain at times. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 3.3mm. Maximum air temperature 12.8c.        

Monday, April 2, 2018


2/4/18 All Wild Atlantic Salmon headlines come from South side and at French Angler  Chioe Duperat, caught a fine 9 lbs. Salmon on the troll, while fishing with her Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of and for the rest of the pros and amateur’s alike, it was all quiet on the SW front. Wind SE light and overcast. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 3.4mm. Maximum air temperature 6.9c. Total amou
nt of rainfall for March 130.6mm.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


1/4/18 All the action comes from the Bungalow, Mr. Nick Kennedy, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea caught a fine 7 lbs. Salmon on the troll. Just for the record it was wild out there with a strong SE wind blowing with heavy rain at times and in fact it was that rough only three boats ventured out this Easter Sunday. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.3mm.Maximum air temperature 9.6c.