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Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Mr. E.M.H Appleby R.I.P

 23/12/2024 Storm Jocelyn takes control of the Currane anglers so as you can imagine it was a day for the high stool as this storm hits Waterville with gusts up to 102 km/h average speed 55 km/h and overcast. As there is nothing to report from Lough Currane, we will head for those were the day’s my Noble Salmon. The year was 1975 My Father Mr. EG Appleby was fishing with his Gillie Mr. Brod O’Sullivan, Mr. E.M.H Appleby my Uncle, was fishing with Brod’s Father Mr. Jack O’Sullivan and my good self was fishing with Brod’s cousin Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan, so we all headed out trolling, well we had been out about an hour Jack and my uncle went past and I shouted out any good, my uncle Ernest shouted back number 1 about to take, well low and behold their reel blasted off, well to make a long story short he said number 2 coming up, number 3 coming up to number 7 and the Lough Currane Trolling record was made and still stands to this day. To finish this great day off My Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan caught two on the troll, not bad, nine Salmon for the Appleby and O’Sullivan Families.



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