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Saturday, September 10, 2011

10/9/11 Update River Inny/Lough Currane

Mr. Walter Ruche Of Switzerland, caught a 7lbs Grilse on the fly, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly and @
Caught by Mr. Ivor O’Connor

Lough Currane was at stand still with a strong SW wind blowing down the Lake, but at least you cold fish the South side, Local, Gillie Mr. Sylvester Donnelly and his Client caught a few Juniors and Sylvester was telling me that they rose a good few Sea Trout, no we will cut across the Valley to the River Inny as did the majority of Anglers, and here our the results as I know them, So far there has been one Salmon recorded  by Mr. Ivor O’Connor, who caught a 8lbs Salmon while spinning, and just for the record the amount of anglers fishing on the Inny I am sure there would have been a few more salmon procured and considering there was first class Water they have no excuse. Wind as all ready stated. As I am sure you all now that the back end of Hurricane Katia is going to us in the next 48 hours, so if tomorrow’s notes are not up as usual, you will know my net is down, but I hope yours will be full, so tight lines.          

The Calm before the Hurricane Katia 

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