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Tuesday, July 24, 2018


24/7/18 All quiet on the SW front and you could say the Anglers enthusiasm is wilting and I just hear the response from the Wild Atlantic Game Fish, you can sing that Lough Currane Anglers! its not often that Fish and Angler agree, but there is light at the end of river?  is forecasting a little rainfall and as one great Gillie Mr. Jack O’Sullivan RIP once said to me, there was enough rain to activate the Salmon and I politely said Jack that’s rubbish, that down fall wouldn’t wet your head! well the rest is history because the next day Jack and Father Eric Cantillon RIP caught 16 Salmon in a mornings fishing, all caught on the fly. So take note! Wind W variable light bright and warm. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 1.2 mm. Maximum air temperature 18.8. 

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