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Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Painted by Joan Wuischpard
2/7/19 Currane Angler Mr. Murray T Beatts of Tampa Florida, USA and Cahersiveen, Co Kerry and fishing out of caught a fine 5 ½ lbs. Salmon on the troll and finished his day off with a C&R 1 ½ lbs. Sea Trout and staying with Murray, we go to the artistry department and for good reason, his partner Joan Wuischpard painted a picturesque painting of the Bungalow on her last trip in 2016, all I can say is worth waiting for as you can see for yourself. For the rest of the Currane angling news it was all quiet on all fronts. Wind ENE light with reasonable cloud cover at times. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 16. 4 c.         

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