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Saturday, July 31, 2021



                        Butler Pool

31/7/21 Well the last day of the month and the Currane anglers reels were allegedly all quiet this day, you could say their flies are landing on the dry ledges, normally where the Salmon and Sea Trout would be roaming around, in normal conditions  the Currane Angler and his Gillie would be manipulating their flies for that rise but sadly the Currane anglers and the wild Salmon and Sea Trout are all on strike due to the lack of water. That sums up this Month, all I can say is no comment   

Friday, July 30, 2021



30/7/21 Just two boats out and they had nothing to report for their efforts this day. Wind NW light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover. Just for the record there were heavy showers this morning. This is Irish technology just click It's old news but sad news

Thursday, July 29, 2021


 29/7/21 Well we did get some rain but in fishing language, forget it. I believe there was one boat out by all accounts all was quiet, well going by the phone. Wind you can check the Bullseye for yourself.     

Wednesday, July 28, 2021



28/7/21 The Currane Anglers are frustrated with the low water conditions and that’s not surprising, because trying to catch My Noble Gentlemen in these conditions is like getting blood from a stone, mind you Lough Currane is a great Lake for proving the books wrong so if you have the patience its worth having a crack even though the odds are against you. Wind WNW fresh with reasonable cloud cover with the odd shower.        

Tuesday, July 27, 2021



27/7/21 All quiet on the SW front and not surprising as the water levels get lower every day, that sums up today news and weather. Wind NNW light with reasonable cloud cover.        

Monday, July 26, 2021



26/7/21 Well the barbeque has gone, and cooler and unsettled weather moves in  at last, we did get a drop of light rain throughout the day, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that the Waterville Fishery needs an almighty flood, going by Waterville’s predicted rainfalls My Noble Currane and Inny anglers may have to wait a bit longer especially the C&R Inny manipulators? Wind NNW light to fresh and overcast all day.       

Sunday, July 25, 2021


25/7/21 The Currane barbeque was the same as yesterday, the air temperature was 25c in the morning in Waterville come afternoon in Caherdaniel it reached 30c with clear skies. Weather, click Now to all Salmon anglers this website you should watch and share,    Get My Drift                 

Saturday, July 24, 2021


              Lough Currane today

24/7/21 Again it’s the Currane Barbeque that takes all the Currane headlines and as they say a picture tells the story as you can see by the photo, but it was great to see a few enthusiastic anglers on the World-famous Butler Pool today. Just for the record the temperature reached 30c at 1.45 pm in Caherdaniel, in Waterville the air temperature was 22c this evening at 8 pm. Wind NE light to calm.                

                                        Butler Pool 

Friday, July 23, 2021


                             The Facts speak for themselves ! 

23/7/21 Again today the tropical Currane anglers and fish alike kept well away from the barbeque as temperatures rocketed again today, but there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel as you can see by clicking  one might say the C&R Inny Anglers will be hoping to journey forth, as will the Salmon. Staying with the weather, yesterday was another tropical day and night as you can see at Wind ESE light and variable, bright and sunny all day.          

Thursday, July 22, 2021



                          Tropical Currane 

22/7/21 Last night Kerry became a tropical County with a night temperature of 20.5c, the last time this happened was 20 years ago and at 2.15 pm today the temperature outside in Caherdaniel was 32c. Admittedly on the lake it would not be as hot as that, but I can tell you one thing you wouldn’t last long on any of the Island’s. just for the record there were anglers on the Butlers pool, I did not hear of any rod benders. Wind light SE light with a few light  gusts.    

Wednesday, July 21, 2021



21/7/21 I don’t know who or what is getting smoked first, the Salmon or the Anglers because this heatwave has got both angler and fish in chequemate. Wind ESE light.        

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 20/7/21 The heatwave is well in control of the Currane anglers as well as the Wild Salmon and sea trout, you could say both Angler and fish are taking cover.  Bright sunshine all day, wind light and variable.       

Monday, July 19, 2021


                                 Lough Currane Today!

19/7/21 The Currane Barbeque is still being fuelled with bright sunshine again this day and in the words of one Gillie this morning, no one in their right mind would be fishing in these conditions and his words of wisdom as you can see by the photos were correct. So on that note we head for the backdate department and an apology to Mr. Dermot Martin and the Butler Arms Hotel and at and for good reason because Martin while fishing out of  caught a fine Grilse on the troll on Lough Currane, again my apologies to Mr. Dermot Martin and the Butler Arms Hotel. Wind Light and variable and bright sunshine.        

                                      Mr. Dermot Martin

Sunday, July 18, 2021


The pictures tell today's facts.


18/7/21 The Currane Barbeque was again at full strength in opinion even though the temperature gage was indicating 4 degrees less than yesterday, but it still felt like 25c as you can see again by the photo. If there were any Currane barbeque anglers out there good luck to them. So, on that note we will head for the email department which I received, So it’s over to Currane Angler Mr. Richard Carrigan


 Hi Vincent,

Love your blog. It is best way to keep up to date with the goings on down there. Keep up the good work and congratulations to the other Vincent!

Now, I, like all the anglers support the conservation of our fish stocks and the people involved but must be done in a sensible way. This Brown Tag scheme is a farce. A raffle for a mere 39 tags in the middle of a pandemic with all its restrictions. And no concessions for the local ghillies, the backbone of the fishing in the area. How many meetings, I wonder, did it take IFI to come up with that idea? What criteria did they use to arrive at the magic number? No. of anglers – down (therefore no. of fish caught is down). No. of salmon coming up from the sea – unknown (fish counter broken for quite some time now). Were the local ghillies, the experts, consulted?  IFI should hang their heads in shame over this one which is not the first! Ref: Introduction a couple of years ago of C&R for Sea trout in the middle of the season when fishing licenses said otherwise. Maybe they will get it right someday!! Hope to visit next month.


Saturday, July 17, 2021


17/7/21 The Currane Barbeque was at full strength as the sun blazed down on a calm Lough Currane as you can see by the picture and if any Currane angler did venture out he may have caught a fish and if he did not, he certainly caught a suntan. Wind Light to calm and variable. Again the photos tell the story                           


Friday, July 16, 2021


    The Photo tells the Story on the No Spin No Fly's just Facts Zone!

16/7/21 The Currane anglers were Barbequed as the wild Atlantic Salmon nosedived to deeper and cooler waters this blazing hot day and as you can see by the photo the skies were clear and temperature well up there, need I say more and that’s your ration for this day.  Wind NNE veered NW and veered ESE this evening, light all day.          

Thursday, July 15, 2021



15/7/21 Well on this St. Swithin’s day there were four boats out manipulating their skills on this very warm and bright day, especially in the afternoon and going by the text department it was fairly quiet in the angler’s reels department. Wind NW and variable with reasonable cloud in the morning but once the sun broke through the Currane Anglers were like Fantom of the Opera and if they weren’t they should have been.            

Wednesday, July 14, 2021



14/7/21 There were a few boats out, nine to be precise and by all accounts all their lines were slack and that’s not surprising considering the water levels. Wind WNW light and variable with reasonable cloud cover at times.      

Tuesday, July 13, 2021


13/7/21 They say Lough Currane knows how to catch Anglers and today was a perfect example because first time Currane Anglers, or I should say “The Déisi fisherman”  caught his first ever Salmon on the troll and I can tell you, Oran was one delighted young angler and his good friend Bill Farrell caught his first ever  Brown Trout and by all accounts he was delighted with his Battle as they both were. Going by what Oran’s Dad reported they had a fantastic day and learnt loads. On a personal note, congratulations to both Currane Anglers and may it be the first of many. Just for the record they were fishing out of  Wind WNE light with reasonable cloud cover at times.     

Michael, Oran, Bill


Monday, July 12, 2021



                                  Italy In Full swing of Glory 

12/7/21 Low Lake or not it takes the Currane professionals to come up with my Noble Gentlemen the salmon in these difficult low water conditions, Currane fly Angler Mr. Andy Hill from Cork caught a fine Grilse on the fly while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of As we all know England lost on penalties and there was some celebrations in Pizzo Calabria, Italy as you can see by the videos sent to me by a delighted Italian supporter and Currane Angler.  Wind NNW light with reasonable cloud cover at times.   

Sunday, July 11, 2021


 11/7/21 All quiet in all departments in the Salmon and Sea Trout department, the same could not be said on the final of the Euros as Italy won in style on penalties, so congratulations to all Italy fans and especially our Italian Currane Anglers. Wind, there was plenty at Wembley, where Lough Currane is concerned It was light WSW with reasonable cloud cover at times.    

Saturday, July 10, 2021


Headlines on the No Spin No Fly’s just Facts Zone on Lough Currane


 10/7/21 Currane Anglers were all quiet this bright summers day with a light wind SSW light, come evening heavy showers.  


Friday, July 9, 2021


Headlines on the No Spin No Fly’s just Facts Zone

                            Lough Currane

 9/7/21 Four boats out and all quiet on this overcast and very humid day, followed by the odd shower. My Quote of the day is, there’s no Salmon or Sea Trout at the end of these Rainbows.  


Thursday, July 8, 2021


 8/7/21 In the words of one Currane Angler on today’s manipulations and I quote, four boats out, did not see anything caught and what do you expect, miracles? With the lake rock bottom.  Wind light WSW with good cloud cover. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021



7/7/21 The Currane Anglers were all quiet on all fronts. So we head across and congratulate England getting into the Final, thankfully they did not loose their Bacon. Now to the email department on the thoughts of a Currane Angler. The stage is all yours Lytton.


I am a very keen fly fishing angler and have loved the Waterville area lakes and rivers since I was a child. I used to go fishing there frequently up until about 6 years ago.


I am writing to you because I am very concerned for the sea trout (and salmon) as I have been trying to document myself on the serious decline in numbers of fish and their health. Is this due to the fish farms off Deenish Island I know that sea trout numbers in the west of Ireland, in areas such as Connemara, have already all but disappeared over the decades, coincidentally on time with the arrival of “aquaculture” and fish farms just off the cost and in the bays.

How is it possible that this man-made decline cannot be stopped. I am deeply saddened. Do let me know if you think there is anything one can do to help promulgate the news of this disastrous situation to a broader audience. Perhaps we need numbers to turn some eyes in the political sphere...

By the way, really appreciate your blog and the effort and consistency you put into the updates.  Kind regards

Lytton Scott

Tuesday, July 6, 2021



6/7/21 Just one miserable boat out on this dull and overcast day and going by the phone his lines were slack? Wind NNW followed by showers.  Average speed 18 mph, gust strength 25 mph.

Monday, July 5, 2021



5/7/21 All quiet on a low Lough Currane and just for the record just four boats out by all accounts. Wind WSW and veered North this evening with reasonable cloud cover. Wind max speed 10 mph.

Sunday, July 4, 2021



4/7/21 I start off today’s notes by wishing all my American readers a Happy Independence Day. On the Salmon Seatrout this day I can say they definitely kept their Independence, mind you at this time of year there are few boats out there on the drift and they keep their own council. Wind WSW light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover, followed by a few heavy showers.               

Saturday, July 3, 2021



3/7/21 First a message to all UK Currane anglers, congratulations on your Ukraine 4-0 thrashing and let’s hope they don’t lose their Bacon in the semi-finals and on that note we will head out onto the Lake.  The Currane anglers were all quiet on all fronts. Wind South light and variable and overcast all day, followed by misty rain.            

Friday, July 2, 2021


 2/7/21 The Currane anglers were all quiet on all fronts this day. Wind SSE light to fresh at times and overcast all day, followed light misty rain in the afternoon.     

Thursday, July 1, 2021


                                         Lough Currane

1/7/21 Currane Anglers were all quiet on all fronts this day. Wind SW light with reasonable cloud cover. Just for the record Lough Currane is on the low side as you can see by this photo of the Castle on the Southside.