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Wednesday, July 7, 2021



7/7/21 The Currane Anglers were all quiet on all fronts. So we head across and congratulate England getting into the Final, thankfully they did not loose their Bacon. Now to the email department on the thoughts of a Currane Angler. The stage is all yours Lytton.


I am a very keen fly fishing angler and have loved the Waterville area lakes and rivers since I was a child. I used to go fishing there frequently up until about 6 years ago.


I am writing to you because I am very concerned for the sea trout (and salmon) as I have been trying to document myself on the serious decline in numbers of fish and their health. Is this due to the fish farms off Deenish Island I know that sea trout numbers in the west of Ireland, in areas such as Connemara, have already all but disappeared over the decades, coincidentally on time with the arrival of “aquaculture” and fish farms just off the cost and in the bays.

How is it possible that this man-made decline cannot be stopped. I am deeply saddened. Do let me know if you think there is anything one can do to help promulgate the news of this disastrous situation to a broader audience. Perhaps we need numbers to turn some eyes in the political sphere...

By the way, really appreciate your blog and the effort and consistency you put into the updates.  Kind regards

Lytton Scott

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