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Tuesday, February 15, 2022



15/2/2022 We start off with yesterdays notes on the Currane anglers view and for good reason, my readers were under the impression the  renowned Currane Angler and owner of  Mr. Robert Elson wrote last night’s Currane Anglers View, well I can say without any fear of contradiction that Mr. Robert Elson is innocent of all Charges because last night’s Currane view from Robert’s  view comes from Down Under, I hope this puts the record straight. Now back to the present on today’s manipulations, well there was only one boat out and sadly the spy gate’s binoculars could not confirm if it was a Brown Tag or Barbless Angler. Wind WSW and veered SW fresh and overcast with rain in the afternoon and tomorrow is not looking good with strong winds from 30 mph gusts up to sixty-two mph. Now we head the Currane Anglers View and quote of the day, first the View, its all yours Steve,  Well said Robert I agree with you it is ridiculous what’s going on in Waterville, it looks like according to IfI anglers are to blame for fish stocks falling in Waterville, have they forgotten about the fish farm that was closed down by the Irish government 3 years ago but is still up and running disgraceful carrying on , save our sea trout and salmon. Steve

Now Alan also replies to last night Currane View.

Fair play to you Robert it’s about time someone came out and highlighted the effects brown tags have on Waterville. I also think it’s a complete farce that a local angler and an Angler that has been fishing Waterville for years have to put their names into a hat in the hope he gets a brown tag surely, they should automatically get one. No respect and no common sense shameful carrying on, Alan

Quote of the Day goes to UK Currane Angler Gary, it’s all yours Gary.

Dear Vincent after the great bit of Action on Sunday re 2 Spring Salmon caught in a couple of hours meaning a pod of Salmon must have entered Lough Currane, I would have thought there would have been a few Anglers out on the Lough makes me wonder how many Locals have Brown Tags


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