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Thursday, September 22, 2022



22/ 9/2022 The Hampshire Hogs and Waterville Boats and at  weren’t amused with my report yesterday and for good reason because I failed miserably in my duties, you could say it’s a job for Specksavers, So lets put the record straight, I failed to report that Hampshire Hog Mr. Trevor Dewberry, caught 4 Sea Trout caught on the fly, plus I got my facts wrong on Hampshire Hog Mr. Nigel Henshaw and fellow Hampshire Hog Mr. Peter Ruffle on their Grilse they were both caught on the troll, so all I can say is my apologies to the Hampshire Hogs and their Gillie’s of Waterville Boats and at  Now back to the present and today’s Manipulations, we start on Lough Currane and the Hampshire Hogs and in their words. just couple of trout sadly! Expected a good day after the rain last night but it wasn’t to be. One more day tomorrow. Staying with the Hampshire Hogs, you could say they hit rock bottom, I believe Hampshire Hog Mr. Peter Ruffle was backing his Gillie to hit the Saint Ledger as you can see Peter came up Trump’s as you can see by the picture, now from the Saint Ledger to the River Inny where there was a nice flood coming down river and there were 5 caught and released plus there was one Cork angler manipulating but no reports as of yet. Wind North and variable and a lot of bright sunshine.          

St. Ledger wins Jon West Rock Salmon 









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