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Tuesday, March 1, 2022



1/3/2022 Just two boats out and spygate reports all quiet on all fronts. Wind light ESE followed by bright sunshine all day. Now we head for the Currane Anglers View, it’s all your Simon     


Somewhere at the Mouth of a rainbow, I thought it was a brown tag, you dirty rat!

Hi Vincent phoned a local Waterville angler today and he told me   once again many locals left without brown tags, 44 brown tags given out and he told me that to date only 6 brown tag anglers have been fishing on Waterville lake that’s unbelievable and disgraceful carrying on by IfI, surely all the locals should get the January and February tags. It’s a very sad situation that an angler living next to a lake can’t go out and enjoy a normal days fishing, please IfI show some bit of respect to local Waterville anglers. I hope you like the photo Vincent it sums up my frustration for the Locals and their rights to fish for their living and that includes the poor Bed and Breakfasts who are also missing out Big time especially after two years of Covid. Simon

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