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Monday, June 10, 2024



10/6/2024. We start with a back date and even though I say it myself it’s great to report that UK Currane angler Mr. Marcel Guillou while flyfishing with his gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of, caught and released a specimen 6lb Sea Trout. Now back to the present, reports there were just two boats out today and all quiet in all departments. Staying with the amount of boats out, it  was made quite clear to me that I have been failing in my duties in this department, all I have to say to this Currane angler, yes guilty as charged so let’s put the record straight, in the past three weeks average of five boats out? on a daily basis. Wind NE light and variable, followed by reasonable cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 0.3mm, amount of sunshine 3hrs.mins, maximum air temperature 15.0c.    

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