Donal with his fine Salmon caught on the Butler Pool |
29/9/16 The Lough Currane Anglers were in a silent mood as were Currane game fish, so on that not we will head for the backdate department or the specsavers department, yes you have it, I failed to double check my email box so apologies again to Waterville house and of
www.watervillegolflinks.ie on the 25th of September, Mr. Donal O' Neill, of Co. Meath, caught a fine 7 lbs 12 ozs Salmon on the fly. Wind West light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover with heavy showers this morning. As you all know tomorrow is the last day of the 2016 Salmon Season and its competition Time and its simple, the last Salmon caught on the Waterville Fishery of the 2016 season will win a Bottle of Paddy and all you have to do is text your catch and I will come in and photo your fish with the Bottle. Competition ends when the day is finished on the Butler pool.
Hi Vincent, pretty sure that's me, Kevin Synnott. No big deal, just sayin is all.