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Sunday, August 11, 2024



Sunrise today at Waterville bridge 

11/8/2024. We start with yesterday’s invaders, I was politely told that my notes were highly exaggerated on the amount of boats taken out by the  C&R lough Lein Anglers club, so lets put the record straight. In the words of one renowned Killarney Angler and I quote, 3 brown trout won and 2nd had 3 from what I heard, C&R lough Lein Anglers club few 1,s definitely not 18 boats out.

All I can say is typical false news by the Currane CNNA. Now to today’s manipulations no reports as of yet but to be fair it was fairly rough out there as you can see by the gusts, Wind fresh to strong SE veered SSE, gusts up to 61km/h and very humid and overcast followed by misty rain and heavy times this morning. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 0.0mm, amount of sunshine 10hrs.3mins, maximum air temperature 18.4c.   

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