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Tuesday, August 13, 2024


13/8/2024. Straight to an update on yesterday’s notes and my apologies for the delay. For starters there were a few nice C&R seatrout, followed by a few nice brownies caught on the troll. Now we cut across the valley to the River Inny farmer and his report, Hi Vince, 2 C&R Salmon caught by spinning and 3 C&R Salmon on the fly. Now back to today’s manipulations, as of yet no reports from the lake so it’s straight to the C&R Inny farmer. Hi Vince, Lovely flood this morning on the Inny, at least 2 salmon caught so far so with any luck I will have an update later, but you can put a ? to cover yourself. Wind fresh NNW followed by reasonable cloud cover at times. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 9.8mm, amount of sunshine 3hrs.6mins, maximum air temperature 18.1c.                 

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