John With his C&R Salmon
I didn't fail in my Duties |
30/4/17 It was another wild day on Lough Currane, wild or not, anglers headed out and it’s the fly anglers that take all the headlines plus some mighty quotes! So to the action and we head for the C&R fly department at the Ledge, UK angler Mr. John Eames, while fishing with his Gillie, caught a fine 8 lbs. Salmon. Now for John’s quote of the day! 8lb Salmon caught on a Silver Stoat returned - I did not fail in my duties!!!!!!! Now we head for a Salmon fly fishing lesson, for the Gillie and the client, when fly fishing one shouldn’t leave your renowned fly fishing station and for good reason, you might lose your spot to other renowned fly anglers and land up with egg on your face, so remember when taking a rest make sure your within the boundary’s of the Station!! Now we head for the Sea Trout fly department, UK angler Mr. Phil Staniforth, while fishing with his gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of
www.fishingwithdom.com caught a fine 4lbs. Sea Trout and now Dominic’s quote of the day, no Photo too rough and broke my Oarlocks, that’s how rough it was out there and I’m very tired after a hard day holding the boat,time for a well earned pint!! Now we head for the trolling department, German Angler fishing out of
www.butlerarms.com Mr. Axel ZurBrugge caught a fine Sea Trout on the troll, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of
www.oshealoughcurrane.com and Neil also reported to me that in the past few days he and his client caught and released two Seatrout while fishing the world Famous Butler Pool and
www.watervillegolflinks.ie Wind SE gale blowing at times with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 13.6mm.Maximum air temperature 12.6c.
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