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Friday, September 13, 2019


13/9/19 I was reading yesterdays notes and I see I made a big clerical error on the World Famous Butler Pool by stating UK Currane fly Angler Mr. Nigel Henshaw, caught two Salmon, well I Want to put the record straight, I’m guilty as charged and If I had taken time and read the text, it said and I quote hi Vince, Nigel caught one of 6 ½ lbs. and Michael O’Sullivan caught one of  4 lbs. on the Pool. So my apologies to Nigel and Michael. Now to today’s action we start on the North Shore and at Waterville Boats and at Hampshire pro Mr. Nigel Henshaw, blood was boiling and rising fast today and for good reason? He caught 23 Juniors on the fly and his fellow pros, Peter caught a suntan and Trevor just said cheers every time Nigel’s reel sang the Currane Sea Trout Anthem. Now we head to the South side and at Renowned UK Currane Angler Mr. John Bojto, while trolling with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of  caught a fine 6 lbs. Salmon and 8 Sea Trout and just for their record they also lost two Salmon. Wind WSW light to fresh and bright sunshine all day and not a cloud in sight. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 16.8 c.                   

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