Caught on the fly! |
28/9/19 The Waterville Fishery was all quiet on all fishing stations, just for the record there were Anglers on the Butler Pool but no reports of any action and the same goes for the River Inny and of course the great Lough Currane. Now for some late News on a cracker of a specimen Sea Trout caught on Lough Currane on 24th. It was brought to my notice by a regular Currane fly Angler yesterday on the net, so its over to
Roy and I quote, Local Gillie, Bob Priestley with his catch of a lifetime on Lough Currane last Tuesday. The sea-trout weighed 10 lb 3
oz. Congrats, what a great way to end the season! I’ll second that. Wind SE fresh and overcast and late this afternoon and just for the record there is a yellow warning for Munster until 7 am tomorrow. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 12.0 mm. Maximum air temperature 15. 7 c.
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