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Sunday, September 22, 2019


22/9/19 We start at the Bungalow and end at the Bungalow, Currane Luxembourg Anglers, Bob & Romy fishing out of caught 4 Juniors on the drift and Guided by Local Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea. Staying in the Sea Trout department, Currane fly Anglers, Mr. John McGee and Mr. Neil Shiers caught 11 Trout on the drift while fishing with their Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of and in Neil’s Hired out boat department, Neil had 3 boats out and between the 3 of them they had 25 Trout and just for the record there were 12 boats out and if my mathematics is correct, 7 boats failed miserably either with fly or the phone. Wind North in the morning and veered West in the afternoon with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall, 21.5 mm. Maximum air temperature 17.9 c.                           

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