27/4/20 All
quiet on all fronts this day. Wind North and variable with good cloud cover.
Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 15.0 centigrade. On that note we head for memories past on
Waterville Lake, today’s story is by UK and Currane angler, Judge David
Burton. Part (2)
Tom and the Judges C&R Salmon |
hope that
all is well with you and all our friends in Waterville in these troubled times.
Your subscribers seem to be reluctant to write to you about their experiences
and so, if you do not mind, I thought I would share another with you. For years
Tom O'Shea had been trying to persuade me to come to Currane in the spring to
have a go at trying to catch a springer. Whilst telling me how much I would
enjoy it he would always emphasise how difficult they were to catch,
particularly as I refuse to troll. Finally, last year I decided to have a go.
On the first day I travelled down from Adare and arrived at Waterville
mid-morning. My fly rod was set up and out on the Lough we went. Tom took me to
the first drift alongside the Derby. As I settled down with my double handed
rod I jokingly said, "I'd best make sure that I don't peak too
early". No sooner were the words out of my mouth then a salmon took my
fly. Having landed and released the fish I could not help but say to Tom
"I thought you said this should be difficult" Needless to say that
was the last fish we saw for the rest of the week! Kind regards and hoping to
see you in September, David
Judge clicks as Tom releases! |
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