Chris Vercammen Specimen 6 lbs, 1 ozs Sea Trout |
Derk Van Dessel |
Francois Helesn |
6 lbs. 1 ozs Sea Trout same fish as above ! |
13/9/17 There were just one or two boats out manipulating the Waters of Lough Currane and going by my phone I’m sad to say they failed miserably in their Duties in all departments. On that note, we will head for the comments department and even though I say it myself the Hampshire professionals put it perfectly and I must admit its worth reading. Now to the Backdate department and the full facts and photos of the Belgium anglers trip to the
Waterville Fishery so I will let Marc tell you all their facts. We’ve had a very challenging week on Currane, not at least for the very bad weather, fishing from September 5th to September 11th. One Salmon on the Butler Pool, two good Sea Trout ranging from 4 ½ lbs. up to 6 lbs. on Lough Currane, plus we also caught 12 juniors which we returned and a number of brownies also returned. Hope to come back next year. Wind NW fresh to strong and gusty with heavy showers. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 7.4mm. Maximum air temperature 15.6c.
Another dead specimen sea trout. Unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteStop the killing practice catch and release for fuck sake
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ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of wanker's, have yee not heard of catch & release,
ReplyDeleteThis is a disgrace. Vincent, I have been wrong in saying that you were the wrong person for everyone to shout at. In displaying these pictures of the last few seatrout dead on the bank, you are an active member of the "Let's fuck Currane club".
ReplyDeleteThe killing of these sea trout is certainly an assault on the system in its present state or indeed at any other time. The fish are quite obviously unseasonable and ripe and should never be killed. I note that the middle two trout appear not to have a gill tag applied and as such this is contrary to the fisheries laws.It is incumbent on all to preserve these fish and mandatory catch and release will inevitably be introduced to combat what to me is totally unjustified (the killing of unseasonable and critically endangered fish)To even stand and have yourself photographed with these fish is totally flawed and will do nothing to promote Waterville. Times have changed and it is time that this practice is totally abandoned and people move on and protect the last remnants of this once great fishery. No more photos and more importantly no more killing of these wonderful fish.
ReplyDeleteVery likely that if ever a court case was taken to curb the activities of the fish farm, the biggest supplier of evidence for the fish farms will be Vincent Appleby in the form of these photos. If I was a judge who knew nothing about fishing, these photos would suggest that A; The lake is working well and B; The fish are being killed by anglers and not the farm.
ReplyDeleteProblem here is that these anglers have not been informed of the collapse in sea trout stocks otherwise hopefully they would have returned same to help the spawning effort
ReplyDeleteAll fish are now required to limit impact from fish farming
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ReplyDeleteA solution has to be found for the situation.
ReplyDeleteI would like to hear if the fisheries, the gillies, and the lake and river trust have any ideas. About killing fish: It's hard to change what is going on for years, people fish for the fish instead of sport.
Its all about the money, gillies should be staying from the outset its c&r here instead of thinking about the cash, it starts with them just as there about to take a client out or renting a boat out
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