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Tuesday, February 2, 2021



2/2/21 No Boats out so I can say No Brown Tag Salmon and No C&R Salmon. Wind SW light and variable and overcast. Now to the email department and another disgruntled Angler. Just for the record I’m not a scientist or a Barrister, so  Martin I cannot answer any of your questions maybe some of our followers can answer theses questions?  


So, take it away Martin, any word on the fish farm at Deenish Island? has the court case come up since? because I heard it has been adjourned 3 times? how can this be possible, if you break the law in any other farming you either shut down or you face a hefty fine. It is 2 years since they broke the law if they stock the farm again it will be 2 more years before anything will be done so I have been told. Something stinks here Vincent, anglers in Waterville limited to 1 spring salmon this year, can’t take a sea trout, everyone knows their juvenile fish salmon and trout being wiped out by miniature sea lice from fish farms, how’re farms still operating. Sad to see this allowed, why doesn't the Waterville angling club object ought protest against these farms, sad to see such a wonderful fishery destroyed. Martin

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